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The Gateway Learning Community

The Gateway Learning Community

Gateway Secondary Academy

Gateway Secondary Academy

Lansdowne Primary Academy

Lansdowne Primary Academy

Tilbury Pioneer Academy

Tilbury Pioneer Academy

Herringham Primary Academy

Herringham Primary Academy

Gateway Primary Free School

Gateway Primary Free School

All Different: All Equal
Together, Improving Upon Our Best


The GLC Governance Structure 

The governance structure, outlined below, has been established to support the strategic development of the Gateway Learning Community and to ensure that all students and pupils receive their entitlement to the best possible education.

The GLC Members

The members of the trust are the subscribers to the trust’s memorandum of association. Members have a limited financial liability to the trust and can appoint and remove trustees.

Members will meet at least once a year at the GLC AGM.  At this meeting members will:

  • Receive a report from the CEO on the performance of the Trust in the last academic year:
  • Agree the annual accounts;
  • Approve the auditors for the coming year.



Ormiston Trust Peter Murray
Ormiston Trust Di Murray
Ormiston Trust Duncan Murray
GLC Board of Directors Hilary Hodgson
GLC Board of Directors Maggie Smith
GLC Board of Directors Lynda Pritchard




The GLC Board of Directors Composition

The directors [or trustees] oversee the running of the MAT and determine its strategic direction. They are also responsible for ensuring compliance with charity and company law and the academy trust’s funding agreement. They are accountable to the members of the trust and the Secretary of State.



Appointment Status


Chair Lynda Pritchard Board Appointment Education
Director/ Member/ Vice Chair Hilary Hodgson Sponsor appointment Third Sector, Education, Sponsor
Director Paul Connew Sponsor appointment Finance, Policy, Risk Management
Director Viki Reid Ex Officio Education
Director Lucy Harris Board Appointment PR, Community, Inclusion
Director Bronwen Seaton-Wood Board Appointment HR/ Remuneration and Pay
Director Courtney Freese Board Appointment Education
Director  Gary Vincent  Board Appointment   





In a MAT, the board of directors may delegate some of its functions to ‘local governing bodies’ in each or some of the schools. Local governors who sit on local governing bodies are not trustees unless they also sit on the trust’s board.

GLC Committees


Scheme of Delegation


GLC Progress Boards
  • Academic standards for all and groups of pupils
  • Curriculum breadth, quality and compliance
  • Leadership and Management
[but not
summer 1]
Local Governing Body
  • Pupils’ behaviour, attendance and attitudes to learning
  • [including its impact on progress]
  • Safeguarding
  • Pupils’ personal development
  • Preparation for transitions
  • The well-being of pupils and all employees
GLC Finance Committee
  • Resource management [short and long term]
  • Audit
  • Compliance
  • Risk Management
GLC Discipline Panel
  • Convenes as necessary to her permanent exclusion cases
GLC Pay Committee
  • These will convene annually [before 31st December in each academic year] to consider the performance of the
  • CEO and to make pay recommendations and to set performance targets for the academic year. See Annex 6,
  • Schedules 1-4
GLC Scrutiny Committee
  • To oversee the appointment of Directors and Governors as necessary



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