We passionately believe that every young person in our community deserves the right to an outstanding education. The GLC is a partnership of schools in Tilbury and Chadwell St. Mary.
St Mary's Road, Chadwell St Mary, Essex, RM16 4JX
01375 489860
admin.herringham@theglc.org.ukMarshfoot Road, Tilbury/Chadwell-St-Mary, Essex, RM16 4LU
01375 489000
admin@theglc.org.ukTilbury Pioneer Academy, Dickens Avenue, Tilbury, Essex, RM18 8HJ
01375 488420
admin.pioneer@theglc.org.ukMarshfoot Road, Tilbury/Chadwell-St-Mary, Essex, RM16 4LU
01375 489094
admin.gatewayprimary@theglc.org.ukLansdowne Road, Tilbury, Essex, RM18 7QB
01375 487200