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The Gateway Learning Community

The Gateway Learning Community

Tilbury Pioneer Academy

Tilbury Pioneer Academy

Herringham Primary Academy

Herringham Primary Academy

Gateway Secondary Academy

Gateway Secondary Academy

Gateway Primary Free School

Gateway Primary Free School

Lansdowne Primary Academy

Lansdowne Primary Academy

All Different: All Equal
Together, Improving Upon Our Best

Retaining Great People

We believe that our staff are the most important resource and their well-being is paramount to maintaining a successful and forward-thinking organisation.

Employee Wellbeing and Workload Reduction

  • DFE Well-being charter: We have signed up to and actively promote working practices which reflect the DFE Well-Being Charter: The Education Staff Wellbeing Charter - GOV.UK 
  • Workload reduction: We monitor and evaluate the workload and well-being of our staff and adapt our working practices in response to feedback 
  • Assessment & Feedback: Our assessment and feedback policy prioritises, ‘in the moment’ verbal and whole class feedback, reducing hours of marking time 
  • Behaviour and conduct: The behaviour of pupils across our Trust is very good because we have a consistent approach to behaviour management, supporting pupils and adults
  • Over and above PPA time: Our staff are provided with over and above planning, preparation and assessment time 
  • Organisation and systems: Our staff benefit from the excellent organisation of key dates and events at Trust and academy level 
  • Well-being events: Staff enjoy a range of well-being events designed to bring the Trust and academy community together, including random acts of kindness days and various social outings

Support Services

  • Support Service Manager: Each academy has support from a service manager to support staff with all non-teaching related matters, such as human resources, reprographics, equipment, payroll, etc
  • Support: We believe that pupil-facing staff should be able to focus on teaching and we therefore provide a range of support services so that teachers are not required to complete unnecessary administrative tasks, such as data entry and bulk photocopying


  • Long service awards: We acknowledge long service at 5/10/15/20/25+ years, with a range of rewards including hampers, vouchers and days off
  • Quality first teaching: There is no expectation for teachers to lead after school clubs or booster sessions [Primary] 
  • A paid 'My Day': Each member of staff is entitled to a paid ‘my day’ each year
  • Subsidised holiday provision: Staff are entitled to subsidised holiday provision for their children

What do our staff say?

"The GLC team are always reviewing and improving staff workload and how this can be reduced through increased PPA time, shared trust planning and decreasing written feedback.  Across the Trust there is support available for our well-being, including my days and support with administration tasks, which makes us feel valued as a member of staff at The GLC." 

H Razzell, Leader


"Across the GLC, staff well-being and workload is at the heart of many decisions. This is evident through; half-termly surveys capturing staff voice, an increase in PPA time, the introduction of My Days and the consistent refinement of our feedback policy. The Trust, together, creates shared planning, this collaboration reduces workload significantly whilst promoting a shared passion for teaching across the schools. The GLC is full of opportunities for progression where ongoing, friendly support can be found across the trust." 

E Walsh, Teacher

"From a site management perspective I have witnessed so many positive changes throughout my career and have worked with some truly inspirational people with the same goals and values. Team work has always been a fundamental aspect in making the weather and I believe this is why our working environment is so positive and stable. The trust has developed my skills and I’m proud and extremely grateful for the opportunities to better myself. I have always felt like I belong here and a part of the GLC family."

L Spall, Site Manager