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The Gateway Learning Community

The Gateway Learning Community

Herringham Primary Academy

Herringham Primary Academy

Gateway Secondary Academy

Gateway Secondary Academy

Lansdowne Primary Academy

Lansdowne Primary Academy

Tilbury Pioneer Academy

Tilbury Pioneer Academy

Gateway Primary Free School

Gateway Primary Free School

All Different: All Equal
Together, Improving Upon Our Best

SEND and Inclusion

Within The GLC’s mission statement there is an emphasis on the role and importance of behaviour and relationships:

Our mission is to offer everyone opportunities to develop as high-achieving, resilient, healthy, aspirational, caring and fulfilled members of society. This will be achieved through:

  • The development of productive relationships to prepare pupils for learning and life;
  • Outstanding teaching; An inspiring and meaningful curriculum;
  • The development of effective partnerships for the benefit and wellbeing of our community.

At The GLC, we believe that ‘making the weather’ and a positive learning environment will give the pupils the best possible chance of achieving high outcomes, develop high expectations and help pupils improve upon their best. It is our mission to develop productive relationships across the community of the trust, so that the inclusive and positive school ethos permeates throughout and is everyone’s responsibility. Our approach to behaviour and relationships is informed by the following statement:

"Being ‘fair’ is not about everyone getting the same (equality) but about everyone getting what they need (equity)."

The GLC believes that all staff are integral to supporting our learners with SEND so that the highest outcomes can be achieved. The ethos is that whole school SEND provision is the responsibility of all, This is encapsulated by the phrase in the Code of Practice (2014):

 "Every teacher is a teacher of pupils with SEND." and therefore "Every leader is a leader of pupils with SEND."

 High quality inclusive teaching, adapted and scaffolded strategically for pupils, is always the first step in responding to the needs of pupils who may have SEND. The EEF in their recommendations for SEND in mainstream schools state: "To a great extent, good teaching for pupils with SEND is good teaching for all." 

We have aligned recommended strategies with the GLC pedagogical approach to ensure that staff can embed these into their repertoire when guiding and facilitating learning for all. Strategies linked to specific areas of need have been mapped out using the following principles from EEF 5-a-day approach:

  • Explicit instructions
  • Cognitive and metacognitive strategies
  • Scaffolding 

Below is an infographic that demonstrates what high-quality inclusive teaching and learning encompasses in the GLC: 


The GLC follows a graduated approach to tailor provision to a range of needs; this is supported by the continuous cycle of assess-plan-do-review: 

  • Identifying and assessing potential barriers to learning; 
  • Planning and implementing provision (including high quality teaching and learning strategies); 
  • Reviewing the impact. 


Click on the icons to view the key documents: